Wednesday, September 29, 2010


We tend to listen to those things that the wise always told us. Don't you think so? It's because the wise has those wisdoms that we couldn't think of. Here are 20 life lessons from a wise man (source from that can be useful for us. As I always said that life is continuous learning that teaches us way too many things.

  • No One is Perfect. The quicker this is realized the faster you can get on with being excellent. Start every morning ready to fight harder than you did the day before and run further than you ever imagine.
  • Avoid over explaining yourself. Be confident with who you are.
  • Keep balance in your life. Write down what’s most important to you and show up. Sometimes we tend to do the things that are most important to us when it’s written down.
  • Play the hand you were dealt. Have the courage to face challenges head on it builds character. Start looking for a way through instead of a way out.
  • Be a student of life. Learn something new every day. The day you stop learning is the day you become obsolete so keep learning.
  • No Excuses. Stop making excuses replace them with ways to do better. Excuses are a waste of time and energy.

  • Let others know where you Stand. Be uncompromising and be up front when someone steps on your core values.
  • Never be afraid of a challenge. You put on your shoes like every other man. Now it comes down to who wants it more.
  • Service to others. Small, simple or important be a volunteer and give the very best of you.
  • Work like hell. Everyone has a job to do so do it. Cross every “T” and dot every “I”.
  • Discover You. Find your passion, life purpose, and take action.
  • Don’t take it Personal. Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself self confidence shows that you’re comfortable in your own skin.
  • Manage your time. Our situation and environment is ever changing so be careful not to confuse the things that are urgent with the things that are important. Look for time wasters and eliminate them.
  • Ask for help. Life can be tough remember you never have to do it alone.
  • Do your homework. Know what you getting into before you start. Doing your homework reduces uncertainty and fear.

  • Day Dream Often. On the weekend when you are relaxing embrace a day dream. During the week take action to preserve your dreams.
  • Be A HERO. Cultivate a healthy dose of forgiveness and set someone free. Learn to forgive others and stop carrying those bags of hate, guilt or regret.
  • Stay One Step Ahead. Be proactive, Take the initiative, Brainstorm with the big picture in mind.
  • Self Love. Become your own priority. Strive to be the you, you want to be.
  • Finish what you started. Avoid the urge to stray.

(article source: - image sources:, flickr, angels-overcome.tumblr)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hidden Place..

Somewhere in Costa Rica's rain forest, there's a breath-taking hideaway that can make your heart stops just by looking at it. It has the best location, Costa Rica is said to be the "greenest" sounty in the world, it has the Pacific ocean to the west and the Caribbean sea to the east. What more can you ask?

Look at the pictures below. I found this place on My Modern Met. Not only it's an amazing house but it's also an eco-friendly one. I guess it has to be one considering it's located in the middle of the rain forest. It really is a perfect place for a sacntuary, a place to relax and a place to find a peaceful mind. The house has a solar panels roof, clean source of water for the pool and the house and of course no air-conditioner. The house was designed by SPG Architects. (source:

Monday, September 27, 2010

Every Step..

I've been a fan of DailyOM website. And it's time for another article from DailyOM. Last night I was watching an interview of a famous entrepreneur in my country, he said "what's done is done" and he also said that when we step forward, make sure that you keep your vision ahead of you, don't look back and don't regret things that you have done. And this article really fits his words. I believe that every step is forward and there is no use looking back.

Every Step Is Forward
No Going Back

There are times when we feel that we are spinning our wheels in the mud in terms of our spiritual progress. This can be especially true following a period of major growth in which we feel as if we’ve gained a lot of ground. In fact, this is the way growth goes—periods of intense forward movement give way to periods of what seems like stagnation. In those moments when we feel discouraged, it’s helpful to remember that we don’t ever really go backward. It may be that we are at a standstill because there is a new obstacle in our paths, or a new layer to get through, but the hard work we have done cannot be undone.

Every step on the path is meaningful, and even one that seems to take us backward is a forward step in the sense that it is what we must do to move to the next level. In addition, an intense growth spurt requires that we rest for a time in order to fully integrate the new energies that have been liberated by our hard work. When we feel we are not making progress, we can encourage ourselves to take a moment to rest. We can meditate more, feed ourselves well, and get extra sleep. Before we know it, we will be spurred on to work toward the next level of our development, and this rest will make sense then as something we needed in order to continue.

Once the sun rises, it doesn’t go backward but instead follows its path in one direction. It may appear to stand still for a moment in time, or to move more slowly at some point or another, but really it is steadily moving forward on its path. We are the same way, and once we have moved through something we can never really go back. We may be resting or revisiting issues that seem old, and it’s natural to feel stuck, but in truth we are always taking the next important step forward on our path.

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
Walt Disney

(article source: DailyOM - image source: minniechan.tumblr,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pretty Feet

Aren't all these shoes beautiful and amazing? As you all know there's always a thing between women and shoes, right? I can stare at these shoes for hours dreaming of wearing it. Black is has always been my favorite color when it comes to shoes, sandal, pumps, wedges, boots and everything. What do you think about these shoes? "PRETTY" is the perfect word to describe each of the shoes. And I am sure anyone who's wearing it will feel so pretty, inside and outside =)

(image sources: Valentino -, Nina Ricci -, YSL - fabsugar, Christian Dior - weheartit, Jimmy Choo -

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I'm sure most of us familiar with The Seven Deadly Sins (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Laziness, Wrath, Envy, Pride). But how about the opposite of those sins? Have you ever thought about it? On my previouse posting, I was talking about some balance in life, in which certain thing exist because the opposite thing exists too. The same thing applies to this so-called "Deadly Sins". It's called "The Seven Virtues". I stumbled upon this amazing post from Want to know what those virtues are? Here goes...

The Seven Virtues

When Pope Gregory defined the seven deadly sins that we should avoid, he also included a counter-balancing set of values that we should espouse and adopt. These are:

  1. Faith is belief in the right things (including the virtues!).
  2. Hope is taking a positive future view, that good will prevail.
  3. Charity is concern for, and active helping of, others.
  4. Fortitude is never giving up.
  5. Justice is being fair and equitable with others.
  6. Prudence is care of and moderation with money.
  7. Temperance is moderation of needed things and abstinence from things which are not needed.
(article source: - image source:,

Monday, September 20, 2010

10 things we can’t have without the other

I came across this article on Marc and Angel Hack Life. The fist line stated: "Because one without the other makes less sense than none at all…". Life is all about balance. It's like yin and yang. There are things that we can't do without the other pair. Like a pair of shoe, it's useless unless we have a complete pair of it. And here are the list of 10 things that we can't have when we don't have the other...

  1. Money without Labor – We do not value what we do not earn.
  2. Loyalty without Trust – Loyalty will vanish in the absence of trust.
  3. Appreciation without Education – We cannot fully appreciate what we do not fully understand.
  4. Wisdom without Experience – True wisdom is the product of many life experiences.
  5. Power without Checks and Balances – Unfettered power leads to greed and corruption.
  6. Business without Sincerity – Crooked businessmen are prison bound… if they’re lucky.
  7. Success without Sacrifice – Success doesn’t find us, we find it.
  8. Policy without Justification – Without justification, policy is just another form of tyranny.
  9. Happiness without Peace of Mind – A mind at ease is already pleased.
  10. Beginnings without Endings – A great, new beginning rises from another beginning’s end.
(source: Marc and Angel Hack Life - image sources:

Jason Wu...

It's survey time. Here are the newest designs from Jason Wu, a Manhattan-based American fashion designer. What do you think about Jason Wu's Spring 2011 Collection? Found all the images from NYMag. Which one do you love the most? I love the middle the colors!! You can see the Tumblr post in here.

  1. rurymon answered: middle
  2. shelbynichter answered: two
  3. ninax21 answered: 2nd
  4. paradoxicalxparody answered: lovin the last one
  5. vsebayang answered: right one
  6. robindayle answered: Left.
  7. loveface answered: middle
  8. heartuntamed answered: all. :)
  9. laariss answered: first one
  10. olgagon answered: 2
  11. carmenrenee answered: middle
  12. beautyonthego answered: the one on the right! i love the hat :)
  13. spray-can answered: second!
  14. mypandalove answered: 1st.. left ♥
  15. catarinaregina answered: none of them really
  16. angelhoylar answered: the middle
  17. jomellalane answered: all of ‘em!:)
  18. indiechic13 answered: middle one. number two! :)
  19. maklair answered: 2
  20. ivison answered: 1st and then 3rd
  21. aubirdyart answered: far right :)
  22. 3amsessions answered: all 3
  23. 1mag1nat10n answered: first
  24. thereisawill answered: The second one is beautiful.
  25. noemib answered: middle
  26. whythefugacity answered: the two tone skirt on the left for sure.
  27. cutegaywords answered: middle
  28. aviatorxiv answered: second
  29. theboxgirl answered: right!
  30. settingitfree answered: first one!
  31. superskinny reblogged this from justbesplendid
  32. crochetedcactus answered: numero uno
  33. topazaz94 answered: middle one
  34. fireworksatnight answered: 2nd ^_^
  35. espigolpluma answered: one
  36. vilmaborres answered: 2
  37. becausewereinvincible answered: 3’s skirt with 1’s blouse! Bing! That would be awesome. :)
  38. ui6chan answered: center
  39. mountainsaremountains answered: one! It’s gorgeous!
  40. white-crow answered: first on
  41. livinghannah answered: center. for sure. then left, then right
  42. benzayb answered: middle
  43. cankicker answered: Middle!
  44. thesunshine answered: the middle one
  45. clevergirrl answered: the first one! definitely has a classy feel to it!
  46. thatunluckyclover answered: second!
  47. rusticpeach answered: 1 or 2,
  48. su3lynn answered: 1 & 2
  49. intrimitida answered: 2nd
  50. iammsbrightside answered: 3rd
  51. banselfdoubt answered: 2.
  52. xoxoireen answered: middle one.
  53. valeeriepua answered: 2nd
  54. darlinglindsey answered: 2nd
  55. intheroom answered: definitely the middle one!
  56. toomuchto answered: OMG 3, I love it.
(image source: NYmag)

Look into your HEART...

Last night I was thinking about something. I don't know whether you think my thought is a big thing or just a small matter. I was thinking about how to really look into our heart. How do you feel certain about what your heart feels.

Last time I had a posting about "trusting your heart" (click here to view the post). There's a picture of a quote that says "The heart has reason that reason does not understand". Come to think about it again, I guess it's really true about what the sentence says. But the other thing that was running on my mind last night was this: Do you believe that if you look deeply into your heart, you'll find the answer you've been looking for? It sounds very cliche I know but what do you think about it? Can you really find the answer? How to make sure that you've found the right answer? But here's the thing, when you feel, you use the heart to feel. And when you're doing something, for sure you want to do things that makes your heart feels good, am I right? So I guess I've come to my conclusion (after thinking, thinking and thinking...and reading the article below) that we all must do what we feel is right. This really relates with your heart. Feel things using our heart. Feel = Heart. Do you get the idea? However, we must be able to train our self to look for the answers inside our self, inside our heart. Then, only we can decide what to do. Just follow your heart. It'll guide your way. Here's one article from DailyOM about finding life's answers...

Many of us seek the answers to life’s questions by looking outside of ourselves and trying to glean advice from the people around us. But as each of us is unique, with our own personal histories, our own sense of right and wrong, and our own way of experiencing the world that defines our realities, looking to others for our answers is only partially helpful. The answers to our personal questions can be most often found by looking within. When you realize that you always have access to the part of you that always knows what you need and is meant to act as your inner compass, you can stop searching outside of yourself. If you can learn to hear, trust, and embrace the wisdom that lives within you, you will be able to confidently navigate your life.

Trusting your inner wisdom may be awkward at first, particularly if you grew up around people who taught you to look to others for answers. We each have exclusive access to our inner knowing. All we have to do is remember how to listen. Remember to be patient as you relearn how to hear, receive, and follow your own guidance. If you are unsure about whether following your inner wisdom will prove reliable, you may want to think of a time when you did trust your own knowing and everything worked out. Recall how the answers came to you, how they felt in your body as you considered them, and what happened when you acted upon this guidance. Now, recall a time when you didn’t trust yourself and the results didn’t work out as you had hoped. Trusting your own guidance can help you avoid going against what you instinctively know is right for you.

When you second guess yourself and go against what you know to be your truth, you can easily go off course because you are no longer following your inner compass. By looking inside yourself for the answers to your life’s questions, you are consulting your best guide. Only you can know the how’s and why’s of your life. The answers that you seek can be found when you start answering your own questions.

When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
Kahlil Gibran

(article source: DailyOM - images sources: flickr, flickr, deviant art)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Want vs Need

What do you get between what you WANT and what you NEED? As a normal human being it is common for us to always want something more and more but those things we want may not be the things that we all need. Agree with that? I surely am agree.

Just a simple exa
mple, I've bought many clothes that I want but somehow until right at this very moment, those clothes still in my closet. I never wore them, not even once. That's what I get when trying to get the things that I want but not necessarily those that I need. Here are some of the best illustration of "want vs need". Found this on the amazing web, Recovering Lazyholic - a photography and stuff by Erin Hanson.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Hi everyone. How are you all doing? I just came back from my long holiday. Actually I did nothing on my holiday, just need sometime just to be with myself and the loved ones =) There was one day on my long holiday which I spent at home..alone. It's been quite some time when I get a chance to be home alone, literally. It felt so peaceful just to do nothing and just empty your mind, stare at the ceiling and listen to the rain. Heavenly!

So, I've spent most of the time in my room and thinking about re-decorating my room. My bedroom theme is now blue and white, it's a mix between minimalist and contemporary decor. It's quite a bright room and now I'm thinking about changing it into a more neutral and warm color or maybe a classic one. I want to make it a bit darker. I have beige, cream and brown in my head as the new theme color for my room. Here are some of the inspirations...

(image sources: image 1&4 livingetc, image 2 countryliving, image 3 gardenweb)