Thursday, October 30, 2008

For One More Day

This is My first posting for My new Blog...Can't believe I finally made My own blog after all this time. So, I decided to post this entry of the lates book I've read. I just finished reading (for the second time) Mitch Albom's "For One More Day"...Such an inspiring story that I believe has influenced many people's life. The story is about one "strange" day of Chick Benetto (the main character of the story) when he had a chance to go back to his past life back when his mother was still alive. On this one day he had to learn how to make peace with all the regrets in his past life and he had to fix what he did wrong back then. But what I like most of the story is the eternity of a LOVE of a mother to her children....Endless!
I've watched an interview of Oprah with Mitch Albom that if a person could go back to the past to fix things to a person they care the most, most of them would say "I Love You" or "I'm sorry". I agree to his statement...nothing matters in this life than to love and be loved. Of the other two books of Mitch Albom, Five People You Meet in Heaven & Tuesday With Morrie), For One More Day is My fave of all. Next thing I have to do is to find the movie and watch it =)

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