Thursday, February 19, 2009

Great Cities, Great Homes

Architectural Digest have came up with those cities with great homes. I personally choose only five cities as my favourites.

In this home, see-through materials are widely used in order to give an elegant room with a space while at the same time also giving the intimate rhythm within the home.
I loved Japan. I used to read a lot about it when I was a child. And I always wanted to go. And it was delightful. I absolutely loved it. What a smashing place.
-Billy Connolly-
The owner of this house said “I want to live with this light. We will be happy here,”. Therefore, the house's interior glass is so wide that it allows light to flow into the room
It couldn't have happened anywhere but in little old New York.
-O. Henry-
Most of the the houses in LA are integrated with the hillside and living outdoors. Not to forget the mixture of vintage and modern for the interiors.
Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change color and fall from the trees.
-Dave Letterman-
Combining the Arabic themes with the modern themes. This house in Dubai transforming an arid desert site into a modern oasis of gardens, fountains, terraces and courtyards.
The rest of the world has long overlooked the potential of the Arab world. George Clooney was in Dubai last year and people are starting to look into this region. Making this film here is a very good statement for this area.
-William Baker-
Mixing a 17th century flourish terraced garden with terra-cotta floor tiles that lead to the main floor.
You cheer my heart, who build as if Rome would be eternal
-Augustus Caesar-

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