Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What really matters in life

What really matters in your life? Love? Money? Knowledge? Experience? Or maybe anything else. I know that we all have different value of what we consider the most important thing in our life. Have you ever wonder what the famous philosophers were the thinking about what matters in life? here's the list. Just to let you know that we all are special individuals that have our own purpose of life. For me personally, love and happiness are what matter in life. That's all about it.

  • Heraclitus (535-475 B.C.): Harmony
  • Democritus (460-370 B.C.): Happiness and balance
  • Sophists (600-400 B.C.): Individual freedom, by any means necessary
  • Socrates (469-399 B.C.): Knowledge
  • Plato (427-347 B.C.): Reason
  • Aristotle (384-322 B.C.): Self realization
  • Epicurus (342-270 B.C.): Pleasure
  • Stoics (500-300 B.C.): Harmony
  • Philo (20-50 B.C.): God; perfect purity
  • St. Agustine (354-430 B.C.): Union with God
  • Thomas Aquinas (1227-1274): Realization of self as God ordainer
  • Meister Eckhart (1260-1327): Union with God; one
  • Christianity (0-1997): God is good
  • Eastern religions (450 B.C. - 1997): God of good and God of Evil (duality)
  • Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679): Relative (no absolute good or evil)
  • Descartes (1596-1650): God is perfect
  • Spinoza (1632-1677): Self preservation and intellectual love of God
  • John Locke (1632-1704): Enlightened self interest
  • Richard Cumberland (1631-1718): Welfare of the group, society
  • Lord Shaftesbury (1671-1713): Welfare of self and group
  • Francis Hutcheson (1694-1746): Greatest good for the greatest number
  • Leibnitz (1646-1716): Innate principles in the human soul
  • Kant (1724-1804): Discover the meaning of right and wrong; good and evil
  • Rousseau (1712-1778): Human will; moral law and duty
  • Fichte (1762-1814): Know what is right and do it because it is right
  • Schopenhauer (1788-1860): Sympathy and pity
  • Mill (1806-1873): Greatest good for the greatest number ("utilitarian")
  • Bentham (1748-1832): Greatest good for the greatest number
  • Spencer (1820-1903): Scientific basis of right and wrong ("absolute right produces immediate pleasure; relative right produces future happiness; the goal is absolute right")
  • Dewey & James (1859-1952/1842-1910): Good serves the ends of the group and the individual and is relative ("food for a sick man may be poison")
  • Gandhi (1869-1948): Nonviolence
  • Martin Luther King (1929-1968): Love

(source from here - image from justbesplendid.tumblr)


  1. I agree with you on this one for sure: Love and Happiness.

  2. nothing can buy LOVE and HAPPINESS=)
