Monday, April 27, 2009

Life is a Game … Play it

I believe that this poem really suitable for starting our brand new week by opening up Monday with a good mood. How's your weekend by the way? I hope it was good. When we're talking about life,I know that we'll never get to the end of the explanation on "what is life". Some people can define it in a short sentence, some will be able to explain it without a pause...on and on. But I found this short poem that I think really can explain about what life is.


Life is an Adventure … Dare it
Life is a Beauty … Praise it
Life is a Challenge … Meet it
Life is a Duty … Perform it
Life is a Love … Enjoy it
Life is a Tragedy … Face it
Life is a Struggle … Fight it
Life is a Promise … Fulfill it
Life is a Game … Play it
Life is a Gift … Accept it
Life is a Journey … Complete it
Life is a Mystery … Unfold it
Life is a Goal … Achieve it
Life is an Opportunity … Take it
Life is a Puzzle … Solve it
Life is a Song … Sing it
Life is a Sorrow … Overcome it
Life is a Spirit … Realize it

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