Friday, May 8, 2009

strange images

What do you see in these images? It's funny how our mind can play our eyes. I guess it's true that the eyes want to see what the mind wants to see. Something called selective perception. If you want don't want to see certain things, don't think about it. but if you do want to see something, set your mind to it and you'll be able to view it...

(source from


  1. Oh those are really cool! I love that kind of mind trickery! Optical illusions too, love those!

  2. Crazy! I like pictures like that, you see one picture then adjust your eyes and whoa there's a completely different image. So cool

  3. Yes..I love this kind of illusion too. I guess it's true that the mind control our sight. And this kinf of image can actually describe our personality too..
