Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Home sweet home

What is a house? I looked up on an online dictionary, it is stated that a house is a building that functions as the primary shelter or location of something or a structure serving as a dwelling for one or more persons, especially for a family. For me a house is a home, a home means a place where I can feel save and warm everytime think of it. Just the think of it able to make me feel the comforts the home can brings. Home will always be the place where I can feel save regardless the conditions of the things happen outside. A house will always be our favorite place when everytime we enter it, we can say "Home Sweet Home". There is no place like home. And if you have a home like one of the pictures below, you'll be very blessed. Can you imagine everytime you open the window, you can see all beauty of the natures surrounding your house. For sure the house will bring peace of mind and serenity. My favorite one is the third picture, the white country house..so lovely.

(source from yeeta.com)


  1. These are nice photos. I think that a house is a structure, mainly because I haven't quite found my home yet! Probably because I rent too, I never really feel "at home".

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Whatever it is..home is where your heart is Rain..I'm sure soon enough you will find a home where you can really feel "at home" =)
