Monday, June 29, 2009

smells good

Looks delicious? Sorry but you can't eat it...Not because I don't want you to have it but because those are soaps. Here are the newest soap crafts from The lady who made this is very creative. I can see that this kind of soap will be a very good gift idea to give to someone, don't you think? But of course you must write a "don't eat" note..ha ha...I'm sure everyone will get confused whether or not it's edible...


  1. Mmmm I love soaps like these. I used to work in a store where we sold different soaps much like the last picture. The store closed down but not before I bought a bunch. I still have them too and I love all the yummy smells.

  2. oooh..too bad the store has closed. So, did you ever actually use the soap or you just have it to be kept? =)

  3. I have used some but still have a bucket full of ones I have yet to use. They actually last a long time so I don't go through them so easily.
