Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Strawberry Bonbons

Ooooh...look at the bowl with lots of strawberry covered with chocolate. Really indulging! I found this recipe and it's simple and easy to make. It's called Strawberry Bonbons. Imagine when you had the very first bite, sweet from the outside but it also bring some fresh strawberry on the inside..

  • 20 strawberries (small to medium)
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter 400g milk chocolate, to cover
  • 1/2 cup sugar


  1. Prepare the strawberries. Wash carefully and pat dry the strawberries. Take the leaves out, but not the stems. If the stems are too long, trim them short. Leave it to air dry in a ventilated place.
  2. Prepare the white brigadeiro
    Butter a soup plate or platter. In a saucepan, mix the condensed milk and butter. Cook over medium flame, always stirring, till boil. Reduce heat. Stir constantly, scraping bottom and sides of the pan. When it thickens and pulls from bottom of the pan (about 105ยบ/221F), it’s ready. It will firm a bit after cooled. Transfer to the buttered plate, let it cool completely. The cooled brigadeiro looks and feels like a soft fudge. And here we go…
  3. Place the sugar on a small bowl and set aside.
  4. Butter your hands a little and take small portions (about a teaspoon) of the brigadeiro dough and wrap each strawberry all the way through. Dip the base on sugar and reserve.
  5. Line with parchment paper a tray big enough to hold all the strawberries. Melt and temper the chocolate.
  6. Dip in the chocolate first the strawberries bottoms, one by one, and set on paper to harden. Then, dip the strawberries thoroughly very carefully, lift it with a fork and let it drain a little to remove excess chocolate. Place them on the parchment paper and let the chocolate dry.
  7. The bonbons are best eaten the same day they were made.


  1. OH MY........talk about heaven! LOL!

  2. yessss...strawberry mix with chocolate hmmm...nothing beats that=)

  3. Well....if we could somehow throw in some melted cheese and red wine....

  4. Oh yeah..Rain,cheese and red wine..that's a really great companion for this strawberry bonbon=)
