Friday, August 7, 2009

What LOVE is not...

Everyone know what love is. Don't you think? You don't need a lot of precise definition to explain what love is. Most of us know that Love is Good, Love is Kind and all the other good things attach to the word 'Love'. But Do you know what not considered as Love? What Love is not? I know Love is the joy of life, I know that Love means sharing and caring, I know that Love means happiness, I know that Love conquer everything. But when I came across the topic of what Love is not, I kind of pause myself and think about it further. The first thing that came up on my thought is that I know Love is not selfish. And when you see the article below, you can spot it right away that Love is not selfish. I really agree on this statement. Why would someone share their life with other people when the person won't be able to give up the ego and selfishness? They can do it but I don't guarantee that the other person will be able to understand it. So, what Love is not? Here goes...
Love is not selfish.
Love seeks not its own glory. Love is not self-centered. Love gives with a generous heart. It puts the needs of others before the self. Love is not self-serving. Love serves others with willingness and a glad heart. Love does not offer assistance and harbor resentment. Love does not smile through clenched teeth. Love does not wear a mask but bears its soul instead.

Love is not fickle.
Love does not profess its feelings with a lying tongue. Love does not exit the door of one lover and enter into another's. Love does not slip away in the shadows. Love does not hide its face but stands tall in the light. Love does not melt in the midst of temptation but stands steadfast. Love does not waiver in the midst of turmoil. Love is not fleeting. It is eternal. It crosses time and space and yet remains faithful.

Love is not domineering.
Love is gentle and tender. It does not demand. Love is equality and fairness. Love shares in the difficult times as well as the good times. Love does not seek greener pastures when the going gets tough. Love remains vigilant. Love is stoic. Love expects no more of another than it is willing to give of itself.

Love is not destructive.
Love does not tear down but instead builds up. Love nurtures and heals. Love does not destroy the self or any other. Love inspires and encourages. Love does not judge or condemn. Love seeks to uplift rather than bring down. Love does not weaken but strengthens. Love is not harsh but soothing. Love is a strong foundation to build upon.

Love is not unforgiving.

(source from here-image via &

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