Monday, December 28, 2009

What is LIFE?

Year 2009 is almost over. In fact, today is the last Monday of the year. Are you happy to face new year in a few more days or are you feeling sad to leave 2009? Well, life goes one wants to stuck in time. As time moves on, so do we. There are many things we can learn when we keep on moving. Keep those good things that have happened this year and throw away all the sorrow that have happened this year.


Life is an Adventure ... Dare it
Life is a Beauty ... Praise it
Life is a Challenge ... Meet it
Life is a Duty ... Perform it
Life is a Love ... Enjoy it
Life is a Tragedy ... Face it
Life is a Struggle ... Fight it
Life is a Promise ... Fulfill it
Life is a Game ... Play it
Life is a Gift ... Accept it
Life is a Journey ... Complete it
Life is a Mystery ... Unfold it
Life is a Goal ... Achieve it
Life is an Opportunity ... Take it
Life is a Puzzle ... Solve it
Life is a Song ... Sing it
Life is a Sorrow ... Overcome it
Life is a Spirit ... Realize it


(images from deviantart and flickr)


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    thanking you sir

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