Wednesday, January 20, 2010

7 things about ME...

Wow..I received an award from Michelle of Welcome To My World. I've been friends with Michelle since about a year ago through blogging. Even though we're so far apart, we're still connected somehow by doing blog. It's nice to have new friend even if you have never met them in person. So, the award is called Beautiful Blogger Award. It is said that those who received the award should tell 7 things about themselves. Hmm so I guess I would have to say 7 things about me. Okay, let's start:
  1. I am really proud to be a Gemini
  2. I love the color blue and white
  3. I lost about 15 kg since 2 years ago
  4. I love to buy different color of the same type of clothes
  5. I really hate when someone lie to me
  6. I have sweet tooth...can't say NO to chocolate and anything sweet
  7. I believe that LOVE conquers all =)
So..there you go. I have spilled out 7 random things about me =)