Thursday, April 22, 2010


Have you ever wondered whether it is necessary to evaluate your life? Just a few days ago I was in a meeting and suddenly this thought of life's evaluation came across my mind. I wonder if we do evaluate our life that we have gone through and turns out that we don't satisfy with the result, then, what are we going to do? There's no turning back in living your life, is it? What I think that matters the most is not how you have succeed or failed but it's how you're moving forward in your life. What the you have done in the past and what past has done to you, it can only be lessons for you to learn. The most important thing for us to do is to take a step forward and make it a better journey toward a better life. I found this nice article written by Judy Merrill, a Professional Spiritualist about evaluating out life and how we can move toward a more positive direction.

How to evaluate your life and move forward in a positive direction

There are two things involved here: the thought and the action. In thought we often consider that our life is not what we want it to be. Perhaps it is time to consider: we can make it what we want it to be. George Bernard Shaw said, "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, they make them."

A farmer has fertile land. The farmer comes along with two seeds. O ne is corn and the other is nightshade. Consider your mind as the land: Do you plant corn or poison? The land will not care the crop of thought put into it, it will bring forth abundance from the seed planted. What a responsibility we have to our own thoughts!

The more we plant positive thought, the more positive will manifest in our lives. The more we plant negative thought, the more negative will manifest. We tend to have been conditioned to negativity throughout our lives. There is always the 'no' warning ringing in our ears. No you can not accomplish that, it is too difficult. No you are not accomplished enough to succeed. No seems to be the first and fore most thought we can muster when our fertile mind wants to produce a crop.

Being mindful of our thoughts is the first step to evaluation. Know Thyself! as Socrates said. In the knowing you will discover so many positive and negative traits and conditions around you as a crop of your total being. That is where self evaluation comes in, and also where self improvement takes a stand. We have the tools of our own consciousness to consider our mind crop as well as make changes to the seeds sown in the mind for nurture and blossom. We can use things like visualization, meditation and affirmation to nurture the seeds we plant. What the mind can see, it can produce results from on body and spirit.

When we envision our lives in a positive manner with spirituality and prosperity, that is the crop we can expect to reap. When life seems to be dishing up negativity in a rapid manner, we can affirm our own good through the visitations of life and reap a more positive crop. Meditation helps us find the peace and calm within when life tends to dish up the negativity of experience. Make sure the seeds are positive, then nurture them with the food of right action. We water the crops with the tears of our experience and fertilize (which is waste in another way) the soil with the many experiences our life offers.

(images by Robert Allen, Daniel Farmer and Will Whipple via Sarah Kaye)


  1. This post reminded me of my planned self-evaluation. Procrastination is really my enemy. Thank you for the reminders then. Nice post!

    Asian Finest Stars

  2. I'm sure we all sometimes has procrastination as our biggest enemy. But I know that we can also conquer it...

  3. NIce 2 c ur blog topics it is one of the gud one I got.
    Keep writing
