Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Food for your mood

How are you? In a good mood to start the week or not in a really good mood? What would you have if suddenly you're not in a very good mood? I kinda have a bad mood, because of someone else. But i won't take it too long about this not-so-good mood. I try not to get along with bad mood because it can have a bad effect to other feelings on me or even other people. I usually have warm cup of tea when I'm having a bad mood, having a tea can automatically relax my mind. It's the best remedy for me and it always works. But actually there are more you can have to make a bad mood turn into a good mood. I got this list from DivineCaroline. 10 food that can improve your mood.

Ten Foods That Will Improve Your Mood

  1. Spinach - This leafy green is loaded with the B vitamin folate, which has been linked to depression when levels are too low. B vitamins help the brain produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects mood and behavior.
  2. Turkey - Turkey’s full of tryptophan, an amino acid that the body uses to create mood-regulating serotonin and melatonin. Since our bodies don’t produce tryptophan naturally, we must get it from food sources. For a non-poultry vehicle for the amino acid, try pineapple, cottage cheese, or lobster.
  3. Walnuts - Researchers at the Massachusetts based McLean Hospital found that rats’ moods improved when given an injection of omega-3 fatty acids. Walnuts and ground flaxseeds (they have to be ground for the body to absorb the nutrients) are the best non-animal source of omega-3s.
  4. Milk/Non-Dairy Milk - Milk products and vitamin-fortified non-dairy products (soy milk, almond milk, etc.) are rich in vitamin D, which can increase serotonin production and has been linked to reducing depression in some people. A 2008 study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine found that vitamin D alleviated some depressive symptoms.
  5. Soy - Like turkey, soy products such as tofu and edamame have high levels of tryptophan. Soybeans also rank low on the glycemic index, meaning they don’t spike energy levels too quickly and won’t cause a mood crash later.
  6. Salmon - If you’re not a vegetarian, the best way to get a good dose of omega-3s into your diet is through salmon. Not a fan of salmon? Tuna and herring boast a decent amount of the fatty acids as well.
  7. Beans - Protein- and fiber-filled legumes like black beans and lentils are also packed with iron, an essential mineral that combats lethargy and gives us energy.
  8. Chocolate - Few people would frown after popping a square of chocolate into their mouths, but it’s not just because it tastes so good—chocolate causes the brain to release endorphins and can boost serotonin levels and it contains compounds, like phenylethylamine, that act as mild stimulants. However, plain old milk chocolate won’t do; opt for 70 percent dark chocolate to ensure maximum health benefits.
  9. Carbohydrates - Foods rich in carbohydrates also affect serotonin levels in the body, but simple carbs—those with white flour as the primary ingredient—increase insulin production so rapidly that the feel-good vibes we get after ingesting them quickly turn into grumpiness. Stick to whole grains like oats, brown rice, and whole wheat bread, all of which contain B vitamins as well.
  10. Bananas - Besides being a potassium powerhouse, eating bananas adds a hefty amount of tryptophan to our diets. In a study at Oxford University, researchers found that women recovering from depression who were deficient in tryptophan had a higher chance of regressing back to depressive states. Bananas are a great source of iron, too.

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