Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Small Changes..

Second day of November..any plans yet for New Year's eve? How about this year's resolutions? Have you achieved those resolutions? Sometimes we have these big imaginary resolutions but in fact it's the small resolution that might have the biggest impact in our life. What do you think about that? I'm saying this because we have to realize in order to do big things we have to start doing those little things too. It would be quite hard for us to jump into those big and huge things without getting used to those small things in out daily activities. I found this on Enlightr, it's about small changes that can actually make BIG differences.

10 Small Changes Which Make a BIG Difference

  1. Set Your Alarm Half an Hour Earlier. Rather than trying to overhaul your schedule or make massive efficiency gains, how about simply setting your alarm half an hour earlier?
  2. Go For a Twenty Minute Walk Before Dinner.
  3. Put a Bottle of Water On Your Desk. One of the simplest tricks for drinking more water is to keep a bottle of it on your desk.
  4. Hide the Television Remote (and Keep a Book by the Couch). There's nothing wrong with watching television. But for many of us, the TV becomes a default activity.
  5. Take a Packed Lunch to Work. Trying to save money and eat more healthily? Then take your own lunch to work.
  6. Skip Your Usual Starbucks Trip. Why not skip that Starbucks stop and set up an automated transfer to put $5/day into your savings account instead?
  7. Switch Your Light Bulbs for Energy-Saving Ones.
  8. Write a Grocery List. A little planning goes a long way when it comes to grocery shopping.
  9. Tackle that Thing You've Been Putting Off. It's surprising how much better you can feel after getting a long-standing chore off your to-do list.
  10. Say "Thank You" to Someone. Saying "thank you" to one person each day – whether it's a colleague, friend or family member – can make a huge positive difference in your relationships and your own happiness.
Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning (Benjamin Franklin)
(source: enlightr.com - image sources: flickr, weyoume.tumblr, flickr)