Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Attached to Someone

Read the words below and tell me exactly what you think. When I was reading it I automatically feel like it's directed to me and my life. It's like reading my own handwriting that I wrote on my journal about what it feels like being attached to someone. But this someone here is the one who's very special that makes you feel so special to regarding the relationship you have with that one particular special person.

It's a wonderful feeling when you finally be able to love someone both for his strength and his weaknesses. You always see that person as the one who can guide you but at the same time also as the one who need you to guide him. It's like having to find a pair of your favorite socks that you've been missing it since quite a while ago. When you finally find that missing piece, it feels like your life seems to be brighter, so bright that the relationship you have able to shine other relationships too...