Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Charlie St Cloud

Last night I watched a DVD..it was Charlie St Cloud. I bought the DVD about a month ago and just yesterday I had a chance to finally watched it. I didn't have any expectation when I decided to watch this movie. I thought it was just only another teen drama movie about a guy falling in love with a girl and so on. Why do I think that way? Because the main actor in the movie was Zac Efron ... a real teen idol! But I was wrong!!! The movie was not like what I thought it would be. Well, it is a romantic drama movie. It has far better story. I cried several times watching some of the scenes and I couldn't believe that Zac Efron has been able to make me cry. He played Charlie St Cloud so well in the movie.

The story of the movie was based on Ben Sherwood's best-selling novel with the title of The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud. Here's the summary of the movie:
  • Charlie St. Cloud is a young man overcome by grief at the death of his younger brother. So much so that he takes a job as caretaker of the cemetery in which his brother is buried. Charlie has a special lasting bond with his brother though, as he can see him. Charlie meets up with his brother (Sam) each night to play catch and talk. Then, a girl comes into Charlie's life and he must choose between keeping a promise he made to Sam, or going after the girl he loves(imdb.com)
What I love the most about this movie is the bond and relationship between Charlie and his brother, Sam. Here's the quote from the movie:

Charlie St. Cloud: We'll always be Brothers...
Sam St. Cloud: Promise, through rain or shine, hell or high water?
Charlie St. Cloud: I PROMISE!

The other thing I love about this movie is to show us that if you've given a second chance in this life, there must always be a purpose behind it. Even better, there's a really great poem by EE Cummings on the movie:

Dive For Dreams

dive for dreams
or a slogan may topple you
(trees are their roots
and wind is wind)

trust your heart
if the seas catch fire
(and live by love
though the stars walk backward)

honour the past
but welcome the future
(and dance your death
away at this wedding)

never mind a world
with its villains or heroes
(for god likes girls
and tomorrow and the earth)
-E.E. Cummings-

So, if you haven't watched it, well..you should watch this movie soon.


  1. لا تقلق من التعامل مع شركة عزل خزانات بالرياض شركة امتار نحن نستخدم مواد عزل تحافظ على الصحة ولا تسبب اى ضرر نهائيا

  2. نحن نسمح لكافة الطلبة التى ترغب فى تحسين مؤهلها الدراسي فى معادلة الهندسة بمركز النور اولى مراكز التدريس بمصر والعالم العربي

  3. نضمن لك تقديم خدمات على اعلى مستوى فى كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض بشركة اللويمي التى تقدم العديد من الخدمات باقل الاسعار التى تناسب الجميع

  4. الحل الاضمن فى التخلص من اعطال الاجهزة الكهربائية باسرع وقت من خلال صيانة يونيون اير المركز المعتمد فى خدمات صيانة الاجهزة الكهربائية

  5. ضمان على خدمات الصيانة المقدمة من مركز صيانة باناسونيك هدفنا دائما هو تقديم اعلى خدمات للصيانة داخل مصر وباقل الاسعار

  6. يتخصص مركز صيانة بوش فى صيانة الغسالات و الثلاجات و التلفزيونات الكهربائية الحديثة باستخدام احدث التقنيات و الطرق كشف الاعطال
    للتواصل عبر

  7. لتركيب كاميرات المراقبة فى شركتك يمكنك الاتصال ب شركات الامن و الحراسة التىستوفر لك احدث الكاميلاات ذات التقنيات العالية
    للتواصل عبر

