Friday, June 10, 2011

The Art of Giving

Life is a give and take situation. Life is caring, life is sharing. Giving to those in need is can give you the best feeling afterward. Knowing that you've been able to make someone smile because of your help, even if it's just a little help. Here is a writing about the art of giving and hoe it relates to our heart. This is a short writing about giving called "The Economy Of The Heart" in which it works completely different from our common world of economy (source)

The economy of the external world, the exchanging of money and material goods, is simple. Give, and hope to get something back. Simple mathematics – your wallet gets lighter as you give.

But the economy of our heart is different, it is the direct opposite.

The more you give, the more you have!

This cannot be doubted; you must have experienced it for yourself.
The smallest example is enough:
when you play with a small child, and you laugh, and you give, and you kiss –
you must have felt the love within grow stronger."

(article source: - image source: