Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Joy and Fulfillment

Hi everyone, sorry for the late post. I was supposed to make posting yesterday but I had to supervise someone to do a flooring at my house. So, how are you all doing? How was weekend? Last weekend I went to this orphanage in the outer city with my husband and our friends. We were there for a quick visit since we have known the owner but never get the chance to visit the place again for quite some time. The place was not in a really good condition due to the lack of capital and donation. While I was there I really feel so lucky that I am here now being me living the life I am having now. I was comparing myself to those who live in the orphanage. It's true that often we have to look to those who have a lower living condition so that we can always be grateful. But, I was thinking...the joy and fulfillment of one's life does not depend on the conditions he or she's having or living. I can conclude instantly that our daily gift can be the source of our joy and fulfillment on this life, no matter how our condition and situations are. I found this perfect list written by via here. It's about finding joy and fulfillment of life by looking on those simple daily gifts =)

7 Daily Gifts of Joyful and Fulfillment


rce of pride, victory, and growth. One of the best ways to feel a sense of purpose is through achieving our goals and using our natural skills and strengths effectively. Don’t overlook the value of a day’s hard work, and take advantage of the opportunity to accomplish something you’re proud of.

Work is a true gift and is one of the most noble and valuable aspects of life. The sense of accomplishment and perseverance that comes from work is a powerful sou


Don’t forget to accentuate the positive impact your relationships have. Seek more moments of joy and amusement where your relationships can grow and flourish. Bond and build positive memories together. Our family and friends are there for us through thick and thin, and can add great joy to our life when we invite them in. Our relationships are often a foundation of the decisions we make and beliefs we hold, and though it may seem like common sense that our relationships are important, we can easily disregard how influential they are. Our relationship and interaction can change us for better or for worse.


Whether it’s uncovering a new perspective and seeing things a different way, or gaining wisdom about how to live life and be happy, growing from knowledge and seeking to apply it offers true meaning. Stay focused on finding value and the lessons that can be learned from what you experience today. One way that I experience greater well-being and satisfaction is by learning and expanding my knowledge. We are able to learn something new every day and from every encounter we have.

Giving back

Think of ways to improve someone else’s day, or how you could alleviate their struggles. How can you offer comfort or simply do a kind act to help someone out? Every day we have a chance to lend a hand and improve the life of someone else. When we are able to offer joy and happiness to others, it gives us a sense of meaning and contribution. Feeling like I make a difference in the world is very important to me, and this can be done in simple ways every day.


It is also an amazing outlet to live life more fully and begin using our potential. We are made to be in touch with our creative nature. When we open our mind to look at life in an innovative manner we will see so many more opportunities.

New experiences

There was a time when I didn’t like change and was afraid to try new things. We all have routines, habits, and patterns we fall prey to. However, at the same time we probably have opportunities to try something new but decide to stick with what we know. Seeking growth and expansion helps us experience the full range of life and leads us build character and individuality. Go out and seek adventure whenever you can.


Beauty comes in all forms, shapes, colors, and sizes. The trick is to look for it. Whether we admire artistic creations, or simply the fabric of nature, learning to see the beauty in what is mundane is a powerful source of positive energy. We can get so caught up in “have to’s” and “what if’s” we forget how magnificent and inspiring the world around us is.

(article source: shakeoffthegrind.com - image sources: weheartit, weheartit)

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