Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Being YOU

Do you love the idea of being able to know what you want, not being afraid of what you think and just say what you wanna say? Last night before going to bed I was thinking about it, about how good it feels like when we can control our own thoughts. I guess it's the difference being a immature and mature. I remember when I was a teenager, it felt like every thought I had was not necessarily mine. I remembered that it was right to be in the majority of my friends, their thoughts were my thoughts.

But now, as I'm getting older (and more mature I hope), I'm not afraid to speak my thoughts, to say what and how I feel. I can freely say it without being afraid that I will be not in the majority. Now, every thought is my own thought, every word I say is how I express my feelings. I love the idea of being in control of yourself, don't you think so? Well, I guess that's what life is about. It's all about learning to do what you think is right...from time to time. And most importantly, not being afraid of being what you really are =)

(image via favim.com)


  1. When you are in control of your own life and yourself, it's when you are really living. Your thoughts and your decision, redarless what they are, can never be less important than the other's.

  2. yes..couldn't agree more with you =)
