Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Plan For Life..

Do you have any plan for your life, plan in terms of the big one. I have several plans when I was pregnant, plans about how to raise my daughter, when to move to our new house, what to name our baby and so on. But lately I learn that sometimes life goes on not according to our plan. Sometimes, we have to accept that maybe God has planned some other things for us or maybe God has made other ways for us to reach our plan. That's what I call life's paths, maybe we weren't supposed to walk on one path instead we have to take other paths that might lead us to something better. Whatever it is, we always have to be grateful to what has been given to us =)

Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked,
in which you can walk with love and reverence.
~Henry David Thoreau~

(image source: photoshoptutorials.ws)


  1. am stealing this and posting on www.dark-nation.net
