Friday, July 6, 2012

Gain Back Your Confidence

There are times when we feel so down and so low, as if we have no self-esteem and no self-confidence at all. Do you know how it feels when you used to have high self-esteem and high self-confidence but suddenly you now have no esteem and confidence at all? I believe the feeling does not give you any strength to move on. How can we move on when we don''t feel confident enough to do anything? Here's a list on How to Gain Back Lost Confidence I found on eHow

How to Gain Back Lost Confidence

  1. Look at the areas of your life where you feel confident versus where you lack confidence. Write down the areas of your life where you feel you need to build your confidence.
  2. Examine yourself honestly. Was there a particular experience or a particular person that caused you to feel less confident?
  3. Surround yourself with positive people. If your confidence level takes a nose dive when you are around certain people, avoid those people if possible. Instead, interact with people that give and demand a high level of respect.
  4. Redefine your personal boundaries. If certain situations are clearly what causes you to doubt yourself or feel insecure, don't participate until you feel more safe and secure.
  5. Volunteer some of your time to an effort you care about. This is a great way to add to your confidence. You will gain some insight as to how valuable and worthy you are when you give to others. It really is true, you sometimes get back far more than you give.
  6. Seek the advise of a mentor or role model. This would be someone who has overcome many of his own obstacles or setbacks and carries himself with a high level of confidence. This person can provide you with some positives for you to build on yourself.
  7. Set some very realistic goals that can be achieved in a short time-frame. Completing these goals successfully will add to your confidence level so that you can continue to build on this new-found confidence.
  8. Make affirmations a part of your daily routine. Affirmations are positive statements that you focus on for a particular day. These should be written and said in present tense, and you should focus on believing what you say even if it isn't 100 percent true yet!

(article source: - image source: favim)