Monday, November 12, 2012

Dealing With Self-Centered People

Hi everyone, it's me again back in here on a lovely Monday. It's a bit cloudy here but it's been a while since the last time it's raining in here so I guess it would be lovely if I can hear some raindrops falling =) Hope you all had a great weekend. I was just browsing on the net just now and found an interesting article about dealing with self-centered people. Have you ever been in a situation that needed you to deal with some selfish or self-centered people around you? If I were in that exact situation, I would be very patient, well at least I will do my best and try hard to be as patient as I can. The reason is because I don't like to sweat small stuff. I rather just ignoer it than be sensitive about things that I'm dealing with. I believe we all have been in that kind of situation. But I guess we all have different approach on how to deal with the same situation. This article I found was written by Roya R. Rad, MA, PsyD (Self Knowledge Base & Foundation) via Huffington Post. Below is the paragraph showing you about hoe to deal with self-centered people. 

How To Deal With Self-Centered People
What to do:
  1. Don't be their door mat, and have clear boundaries with them.  
  2. If you have to defend yourself, make it short and to the point since they are not the best listeners, and have a thick wall guarding their self-image. 
  3. Don't buy into their arrogance, don't feed their excessive sense of self-importance, stay true to yourself and be sincere. 
  4. If you get into a position that you have to assert yourself, don't attack them, but show that you don't agree. 
  5. Don't get attached to them. 
  6. Have an open mind and be tolerant. 
  7. Be patient. 
  8. Learn to observe and evaluate their behavior objectively.
At the end, try to not hate self-centered people. Have compassion for them since they usually have had a past that created a wrong type of self-protection mode for them. There is a part of them that they don't like and are trying hard to cover. While many people have had pasts that are not perfect, nor close to it, self-centered people are lacking the skills to address these issues in a productive way. Instead of facing it, they are hiding it. At the end, remember that you can have compassion for someone, but at the same time hold them accountable for their actions and have clear self-boundaries.
(image via weheartit)


  1. This is some good info Boya. Thanks


  2. واليك تفاضيل اهم الحشرات التى تنتشر في المملكة
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    - مكافحة الصراصير
    تنتشر في السعودية عدة انواع من الصراصير كالصراصير الامريكية والالمانية والشرقية وتعد خطيره لانها تنقل الميكروبات وتسبب الامراض للانسان من هنا جاءت اهمية مكافحتها والتخلص منها نستخدم افضل مبيدات مكافحة الصراصير المثبت فعاليتها وتغطى خدماتنا كافة مناطق المملكة فالاول تشتهر بانها احسن شركة مكافحة صراصير بالرياض واحسن شركة مكافحة صراصير بمكة واحسن شركة مكافحة صراصير بجدة واحسن شركة مكافحة صراصير بالمدينة المنورة

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