Friday, January 11, 2013

Sweet Chocolate

Chocolate can never be wrong..chocolate cake can always be right for any moment. That's what I always feel. How about you? I can never resist a chocolate cake. Here's a weekend recipe of "Chocolate Moelleux aka Chocolate Lava Cake" by Culinary Couture. I love chocolate lava cake so much. I can eat it anytime..breakfast, lunch, before bed..anytime. The image below is so mouth watering...oh wow, I'm going straight to the kitchen now and make one. Have a great weekend everyone..Have a sweet one =)

Chocolate Moelleux aka Chocolate Lava Cake

Yield: 2 moelleuxs


  • 50 g dark chocolate/1.76 oz.
  • 55 g butter/ 1.94 oz.
  • 25 g all purpose flour/0.88 oz.
  • 50 g sugar/1.76 oz.
  • 2 eggs


  1. Grease two mini pudding moulds. Sprinkle some cocoa powder over the butter and shake the moulds to evenly coat them.
  2. Pre-heat your oven to 200°C/400°F.
  3. Whisk 1 egg and 1 egg yolk. Add the sugar and whisk. Add the sifted flour and whisk. Melt the butter together with the chocolate. Add the chocolate mixture to the egg mixture and whisk.
  4. Divide the dough over the two moulds and bake for 10-12 minutes. Keep a close eye to them as you really do not want to overcook them!

(image and recipe by culinary couture)

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