Friday, April 5, 2013

Good Conversation

The last two weeks have been a busy week for me. And now I am back on the routine tasks. This is why I can now sit in front of my computer and post a little something. I had a great out-of-town holiday last week. We stayed in this really beautiful villa with an amazing mountain view. The weather was so nice and we all enjoyed every minute we were there. Now that I am back here all I want to do now is just relax at home or maybe going on a date with my husband. The second option might be nice =) It's been a while since the last time we went out, just us two. Maybe it would be nice if we can have a little chat a while just like we used too. I love having a good conversation with someone who is connected to me. I found a short article about the importance of having a good conversaiton with your loved one (via). Below is the article...

  • Conversation helps you stay on the same page. If you aren’t talking, you aren’t communicating. Great conversations are the only way to make sure that you and your partner are headed in the same direction. You’d be surprised how quickly a marriage can get bogged down in assumptions about how your life has to run without ever actually talking about what is best for your family. 
  • Conversation increases intimacy. Real conversations make you vulnerable. You can’t have a real conversation without being open about your thoughts and feelings. Expressing yourself, and listening to your husband express himself, is an important part of the intimacy in a relationship. That’s why great conversation can actually lead to more enjoyment in the bedroom. 
  • Conversation contributes to your family’s overall happiness.When you and your husband are communicating clearly and feeling open with one another, it helps you have a more positive outlook on life. And, believe it or not, the conversations you have with your husband make your kids happier, too—it is actually more important for kids to know their parents love each other than it is for kids to know that their parents love them!
(article via - image via weheartit)