Thursday, July 25, 2013

Self Expressions

We often find ourselves in a difficult situation to express our feelings. I often be in that kind of situation. I sometimes find it hard to really express my feelings, although I really want to let people know how I really feel at that time. How about you? Have you ever felt that way too? I think in an appropriate situation, it is important to be able to express what we're feeling inside just to let other people know our feelings. I found an article on Life Is Now about the importance and the benefits of self expression. Below are some part of the article

Self Expression – The Benefits

  • You learn more about yourself.  You might think you know yourself well but the more you find and express the further you can go.
  • You build your self esteem and confidence.  There is nothing more attractive than someone who knows themselves well and isn’t afraid to share it.
  • You face difficult emotions.  Having a way to express yourself means that you are more likely to face and work through challenges in your life.  Not having a way to express difficult emotions means that you are more likely resist and suppress them.
  • You feel more joy.  Joy is a more substantial emotion than happiness.  Happiness is fleeting, it comes and goes.  The joy of self expression is something only those who have experienced can know.  There is no comparison.

(article via - image via weheartit)