Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Emma Watson

Young Hermione Granger -a good friend of the oh-so famous Harry Potter- has turned into a pretty teenager. It feels like we just watched the first Harry Potter movie and now, look what we have here. Photoshoots of Emma Watson on Teen Vogue. She was ranked #28 on Entertainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the actress list on 2008. Other than that she was also ranked #3 on Moviefone's 25 Hottest Actors Under 25 in 2008. Looks like she now has the fame and fortune. But I guess most of us will always see her as young Hermoine.


  1. I like her. She is really pretty now. Good thing too cause some child actors always don't turn out so cute when she get older. Plus she has the wonderful accent too.

  2. She's grown up now..and she looks more like English lady as she grows more mature..and with the accent of course..
