Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Last night I watched this food travelogue TV series called Spain on the Road Again. The casts of the show are a chef Mario Batali, a Hollywood celebrity Gwyneth Paltrow, a food writer Mark Bittman and a Spanish actress Claudia Bassols.
The show is about travelling to a different region of Spain to explore the country's culinary traditions and history. Last night's episode was about these traditional food as I posted the pictures below. They had paella, sliced ham and canned tuna and of course wine for the dinner. I think the show is good considering that I can get many insight about Spain. The country is so beautiful in a way that it's modern but it still has its own traditional life in between. Gwyneth is so nice and just being herself in the show, no make up no dress up...just enjoying the travel. And the mis of the casts of so good. We can see from the local perspective (Claudia Bassols), a chef's perspective (Mario Batali), the insight of the food writer (Mark Bittman ) and also the perspective of what we can call a tourist celebrity (Gwyneth Paltrow) since she comes from abroad.

-Hand-sliced Spanish ham-

-Canned Tuna-

here for the official website.


  1. Oh I love Mario Batala! I watch the Iron Chef when I'm bored on Saturday afternoons! I'll have to look for his show on the Food Network here in Canada, we don't always get the same programming. Reminds me of a few years back when Jamie Oliver did that through Italy. It was neat to see the culture - food wise!

  2. yes..the famous Iron Chef..he cooks easily as if he's trying to make everyone to cook at home..just add this and that to the pan, voilĂ've made yourself a good chef=)
