Wednesday, July 1, 2009

You Are What You Eat

How does your refrigerator look like? Is it neat or not?More importantly, what's inside it? Do you keep healthy food or junk food? Do you have milk or beer in your fridge? Do you eat fresh food or a frozen food? I agree to the sentence that says "We are what we eat". When I do my grocery shopping, it always interest me to take a peek on someone else's shopping trolley. I notice that those teenagers don't buy vegetables but they do buy lots of soda and snack, older people buy tea and vegetables, young women love to buy coffee, low calorie snack, low fat milk, couples always have cereal, milk, vegetables, meat and so on. When you look at my refrigerator, you will find yoghurt, lots of fruits, canned tuna, vegetables and maybe a piece of cake. When you take a peek on my grocery shopping, you will find many kinds of coffee, various kinds of tea, one or two chocolate, vegetables and many kinds of fruits. How about yours?
By that I can say that the personalities of one's own can be reflected from what they buy on the grocery stores, thus, it reflects their eating habit. As one source said that refrigerators are like windows into our souls. has made a topic about this in which Mark Menjivar photographed the contents of strangers’ refrigerators. Have a's interesting.

Midwife-Middle School Science Teacher

Red Cross Board Member

Street Advertiser

Restaurant Owner

Retired Train Conductor

Graphic Designer

Journalist/Designer/School Teacher

College Students

Bar Tender



  1. LOL, love the bartender's fridge, that was SO my fridge when I worked at restaurants because we'd always get to bring food home at the end of the shift! My fridge used to always have at least one bottle of wine, lots of cheese and otherwise really healhty stuff, still has all the healthy stuff, minus the wine and cheese, boo hoo (for now while I lose a few pounds!!!)

  2. I know that you love cheese Rain...hmm cheese and wine are perfect companion don't you think so? =)

  3. Amazing combination...drool....ha ha, but not good if you want to lose weight though!!! I swear if I could, I would only eat only bread, cheese and wine!!!

  4. Haha Mine looks like the street advertiser one. How sad. Except I have a brita pitcher and pitcher of tea and a couple bottles of beer. Haha. This was cool.

  5. الإنتقال من مكان لأخر جديد في كثير من الأحيان رائع ومثير ومع ذلك فإن الإنتقال قد لا يكون ممتعا عندما يتعلق الأمر في نقل قطع الأثاث والعفش المنزلي للمكان الجديد على عدة نقلات بخلاف الفك والتركيب والتغليف للأثاث.

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