Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Ooops...I was so busy yesterday that I didn't manage to put anything on my blog. First day of a new week has always been the busiest day for most of us, don't you think so? So, as usual...I'm going to ask you about your weekend. How did it go? Did you all have a long weekend? I did, it was fun. I managed to do a pre-wedding photo shoots with my boyfriend, but too bad I can't share those photos here..yet! Still a secret but I'm sure going to post it later on after my wedding day =)

This is out of the topic, but have you ever thought about fate coming into your life? I often discussed about fate topic here on my blog. You can read my post "Our Own Fate" - HERE and you can also read my other post "Fate and Destiny" - HERE. But you might wonder why I often bring this topic again and again. That is because I do believe in fate that we're making and also the fate that we're destined to have. What do you think about fate? Is it a choice or is it a chance? I do believe that fate is a combination of both, in a way that we are directed to our own fate but at the same time on our way to pick up or fate, we can also make the ride worth while. God has written a unique story for each one of us and there are things we're destined to be. But there's one quote about what you have to do in order to meet that fate that you are meant to have. It's a quote from Nocholas Sparks that said:

"I have faith that God will show you the answer. But you have to understand that sometimes it takes a while to be able to recognize what God wants you to do. That's how it often is. God's voice is usually nothing more than a whisper, and you have to listen very carefully to hear it. But other times, in those rarest of moments, the answer is obvious and rings as loud as a church bell."

Do I make any sense at all? I hope I did. Whatever it is, the most important thing to do is to make sure that what you're doing now is toward a better life and a happier life. Whatever it is the road you're taking, make sure it is on your way to a much better state =)

(image via vi.sualize.us)


  1. That is such a good question. I believe in fate but sometimes I get frustrated. I like to think it's all going to turn out wonderfully but I am scared it will not. So, I believe but I don't understand.

  2. Hi Keishua,
    So, you feel the same way too, I guess it's a life mystery we have to find out ourselves =)
