Can't get enough of cupcakes? Here's another cute cupcake recipe from Cupcakeblog...
Cupcakes (makes 24 cupcake ice cream cones/350 degree oven)
measure out everything but the eggs directly into your mixer bowl
mix on low speed just until incorporated
beat on high speed for 2 minutes
add eggs, beat on high speed again for 2 minutes
transfer batter into a container with a pour spout (like a pyrex measuring cup)
pour batter into ice cream cones, leave a good half inch between the batter and the top of the cone
bake at 350 for about 20 minutes or until cake tester comes out clean
Vanilla and Chocolate Buttercream Frosting
beat butter until creamy, scrape bowl
add 5 cups of sifted powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla, beat until combined
add more powdered sugar until you get to the consistency you want (not too stiff so that its hard to pipe)
take out half of the buttercream and reserve, this is your vanilla5. add the cocoa powder to the remaining half and beat to combine, you might need to add a little milk if its too stiff, this is your chocolate buttercream
pipe frosting onto cooled cupcakes with a large star tip
top with sprinkles