Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Making New Year's Resolution

New year is coming very soon. Several days from now we'll be entering the year 2011. Don't you feel time has gone so fast? Speaking of new year, it's a common thing for us to make new year resolutions. Have you got your new year's resolutions? I used to have very specific resolutions back then but now my new year's resolution is simply to be a better person in every aspect of my life. I stumbled upon this tips tips to make new years resolutions from lessons4living.com. So, for those of you who haven't got any new year's resolutions, maybe these tips will help =)

"Making Resolutions - New Year’s Resolutions."

The beginning of a New Year is the traditional time to make resolutions. A resolution is a formal expression of intent to change. It declares your resolve and determination to be different. A New Year is a new start and can be a good time to assess yourself. What would you like to change?

So, there are three possible resolutions to be made for the New Year. Commitments to change something in the areas of the mind, body, and spirit. Here are some tips to help along the way.

  • Don’t be too ambitious. Don’t set yourself up to fail. Set goals that are reasonable and reachable.
  • Look at a resolution as an opportunity to do something exciting and new and not as a task of drudgery.
  • Tell others about the resolutions you are making. When we tell others what we plan it increases our motivation to do it.