Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Inner Peace..

Have you watched Kung Fu Panda 2? If you have watched, I'm sure aware of this term "inner peace" in which Po had to learn how to do it. He think it's easy and you can do it anytime anywhere but it turns out that it's not that easy or that simple. But you can do it almost everywhere and at any time. It's what within you is important so that you'll be able to find your inner peace.

Have you ever tried once? Finding your inner peace or maybe try to meditate. Try to listen to nothing. I've tried many times and for sure, it's not easy. It's quite hard to keep your mind clear from any thoughts, don't you think so? For those of you who wants to try..I found this easy ways to get you started. It's an article of tips I found on Divine Caroline, written by Jennifer Urezzio.

Here are a couple of suggestions to get you started:

The Two Minute OM

OM is believed to be the spoken sound of the Universe. When you practice the sound, it works the left and right sides of the brain. You can download a two-minute mediation on iTunes and then just OM along.

The Mantra Meditation
Some people find it disturbing to focus on their breath. With a mantra mediation, you repeat a statement that you resonate in your head focusing on each word. I suggest starting with a three-minute timeframe. A suggested mantra is: I AM complete and whole.

Walking in the Now Meditation
This can be done on the treadmill or walking around your neighborhood; during a ten-minute walk, practice being present. You can do this by noticing how your feet feel as they touch the ground, notice your breathing, and notice the sounds in nature. If your mind starts to wander into the past or future, simply and gently bring it back to the movement of your feet.

Creating the space and opportunity for a little bit of quiet time with yourself can change your whole world.

(article source: DivineCaroline - image source: thecoolhunter)

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