What do you have in mind when you hear the word "Plato"? The first thing always come up to me when hearing the word is wisdom. Of course it's wisdom, what else would it be? Here's a story that I've been reading over and over again. I've read it too many times that I lost count. It's a story called "Plato's lesson on Love and Marriage". Love and Marriage are both subjective terms, which mean that there are no exact answers when people ask what love is or what marriage is. But this story below really can explain us the meaning of both words. Hope you like it.

Plato's Lesson on Love and Marriage
One day, Plato asked his teacher, "What is love? How can I find it?" .His teacher answered, There is a vast wheat field in front.. Walk forward without turning back, and pick only one stalk. If you find the most magnificent stalk, then you have found love." Plato walked forward, and before long, he returned with empty hands, having picked nothing.
His teacher asked, "Why did you not pick any stalk?" Plato answered, "Because I could only pick once, and yet I could not turn back. I did find the most magnificent stalk, but did not know if there were any better ones ahead, so I did not pick it. As I walked further, the stalks that I saw were not as good as the earlier one, so! I did not pick any in the end. His teacher then said, "And that is LOVE."
On another day, Plato asked his teacher, "What is marriage? How can I find it?" His teacher answered, "There is a thriving forest in front. Walk forward without turning back, and chop down only one tree. If you find the tallest tree, then you have found marriage". Plato walked forward, and before long, He returned with a tree. The tree was not bad, and it was not tall either. It was only an ordinary tree, not the best but just a good tree. His teacher asked, "Why did you chop down such an ordinary tree?" Plato answered, "Because of my previous experience. I had walked through the field, but returned with empty hands. This time, I saw this tree, and I felt that it was the first good tree that I saw, so I chopped it down and brought it back. I did not want to miss the opportunity."
His teacher asked, "Why did you not pick any stalk?" Plato answered, "Because I could only pick once, and yet I could not turn back. I did find the most magnificent stalk, but did not know if there were any better ones ahead, so I did not pick it. As I walked further, the stalks that I saw were not as good as the earlier one, so! I did not pick any in the end. His teacher then said, "And that is LOVE."
On another day, Plato asked his teacher, "What is marriage? How can I find it?" His teacher answered, "There is a thriving forest in front. Walk forward without turning back, and chop down only one tree. If you find the tallest tree, then you have found marriage". Plato walked forward, and before long, He returned with a tree. The tree was not bad, and it was not tall either. It was only an ordinary tree, not the best but just a good tree. His teacher asked, "Why did you chop down such an ordinary tree?" Plato answered, "Because of my previous experience. I had walked through the field, but returned with empty hands. This time, I saw this tree, and I felt that it was the first good tree that I saw, so I chopped it down and brought it back. I did not want to miss the opportunity."
His teacher then said, "And that is MARRIAGE.
You see son...Love is the most beautiful thing to happen to a person, its an opportunity but you don't realize its worth when you have it but only when its gone like the field of stalks. Marriage like the tree you chopped, it's a compromise; you pick the first best thing you see and learn to live a happy life with it."

(article source: educopark.com - image sources: en.wikipedia.org, sadanduseless.com)
Just blogging around today, and as always every blog has something new to offer, something different to read. Today I will say thank you so much for some well needed inspiration. Thank you for letting me visit.
Opps the inspiration was wonderful, but apparantly not to type correctly, so let me try to put my url's in correctly.
Hi Susan =) thank you for dropping by...
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