Wednesday, October 24, 2012

DIY Erase Board

I just found this great idea..a DIY project that is so easy to make. Found it via Papernstitch. It's a"Double Duty Dry Erase Board" tutotial (image below).

Isn't it a clever idea? I never thought about making this one before, but when I saw it I was like "wow, this is so simple yet so useful". It's like a reminder board but instead of sticking or pinning notes, we only need to write it down on the board and when it's done, just erase it. So, here is the tutorial.

 1. Picture frame with glass or plexi insert  
 2. Fabric scraps 
 3 . Heavy duty tape 
 4. Dry erase markers 

  1. Remove everything from the frame (paper, mat, backing) except for the glass.  
  2. Cut a piece of fabric slightly larger than your frame backing (about an extra 2 inches all the way around). Whether your backing is hardboard or cardboard, this tutorial will work, so don’t worry.  
  3. Place cut fabric over frame backing and then flip over.  
  4. Fold over excess fabric and then, using heavy duty tape, attach the fabric to your backing. 
  5. Place the now fabric-covered frame backing into the frame and you are all done! You are ready to write notes all over your pretty dry erase board.