Monday, October 22, 2012

Your Sign at Starbucks...

Hi everyone...I am so sorry for my absence last week. My husband was not feeling well so I have to take care of him and leave my computer behind. But here I am again, with all of you. Feeling great to be back here and also feeling great because my husband is now feeling well. It's raining here in my place, it's been a while since it's raining so hard. When it's rain, I can only think about having a coffee. But I just has my coffee a few hours ago, I think I have to wait for another couple of hours for my second cup of coffee. Speaking about coffee, I found this fun astrological-coffee relationship on Zodiac Solution. So fun that I can read it over and over again. I put some of the images below, to view the complete zodiac, click here. Mine is about yours?

(all images by zodiacsolution.tumblr)